Children with special needs
• ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
• Dyslexia – A problem with reading, spelling
and speaking.
• Dysplexia – A problem in the speech and oral
area of the brain.
• A S D – Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Including Asperger Syndrome)
自闭症 (轻微自闭症)
Learning Disorders & Children
with special needs
Generally , poor in social skills ,poor in educational and organizational skills and time management.
• Poor in social skill; have difficulties in waiting for
things they want and have short patience during
• Poor in education – problems with school work
and have trouble in completing homework and
学业能力差 - 学校功课面对问题,并在完成
功 课时面对问题。
• Poor in organization skill – unable to follow
instructions and planning, becomes easily confused
and has difficulty in processing information.
组织技能差 - 无法遵循指示和规划,容易混
• Poor in time management – difficulty with time
keeping and the concept of time.
时间管理差 - 有守时和时间概念的难题。
Why early intervention is important for child development?
A True Case study:
Female 37 years old, was recently diagnosed that her whole life is suffering from learning disorder and other psychological problems such as personality disorder (split personality).
In fact, some of the signs and symptoms had manifested since her young age, but were not noticed by the parents. For example she is unable to draw a straight line using a ruler, and cannot hold a cup of water properly while she is walking.
All these while she tries to fit herself into a normal lifestyle, instead of joining the special education system for people who needs special skills and technique to cope with their live. She has gone through a lot of obstacles and failures, which caused a lot of “psychological scars” and emotional imbalance, that lead her into split personality.
In order to cover up her shortcomings, she has to put up a strong defense mechanism. She is putting on a false self in her living life and she is not congruent, and this has caused her to lose her authentic true self, ultimately leading her into psychotic depression, resulting in split personality disorder, such as playing two roles alternating between male & female.
Therefore early intervention is crucial for child development as it has a great impact in adulthood. Early child intervention can help a child to have a brighter life shining like a sunflower, or a unique life blossom like a champagne lotus.
有一位37岁的女士, 近期才被诊断出她是一位学习障碍者。 同时,她还面对着其它的心理问题,例如:人格分裂症。
总结来说,早期治疗对孩童的成长过程是很关键的, 因为它将会影响您的一生。正确的早期治疗,可让孩子们的生命有如向日葵般,充满着朝气与正面的力量!也像香槟色的荷花般特出!
The above photo was taken by Chriss at the untouched small village in China